Homemade apple mask for firm skin

Äpfel auf einem Tisch

„An apple a day keeps the doctor away“ (zu Deutsch: Ein Apfel am Tag hält dir den Arzt vom Leib) besagt ein englisches Sprichwort. Äpfel sind nämlich sehr gute Lieferanten von Vitaminen. Vor allem Vitamine der B-Gruppe sowie E und C, Niacin und Folsäure sind im Apfel reichlich vorhanden.

The round fruits are particularly interesting for our skin thanks to the many antioxidants they contain. These protect our skin from free radicals that make it age faster. In addition, potassium is found in apples. The substance regulates the body's water balance, which has a positive effect on the skin's appearance. Reason enough to make your own apple mask for firm skin!

Take a small apple, grate it finely and mix it with a tablespoon of honey. Apply the resulting mask to the previously cleansed face and neck. After about 20 minutes, you can wash the mask off with lukewarm water.

Your skin is now tightened and well moisturised!

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Photo: Pixabay

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